This is a brief recap of events in December within the ongoing ARX The Society and TheBoanthropic leading up to the ticketed event Nocturnal Reverse: a Rescue on the Solstice on December 21st. For our up-to-date coverage of the latest developments and character descriptions, click here. To purchase tickets for Nocturnal Reverse: a Rescue on the Solstice on December 21st, click here.
Following the events on the night of the Harvest Moon, the world once again grew quiet. Krysta had chosen to remain in Los Angeles in order to aid the Resistance, but, despite now sharing a city with her closest allies, she had once again broken off communication with the Pilgrims. The Bobo had announced they would soon strike a blow against the Society by exposing secrets long hidden on a series of VHS tapes edited by the mysterious Instagram artist Eubanks P. Coaltrain, but threats by the Society threw a wrench in their plans. They too had gone dark. The Pilgrims waited, the image of Mary in the diner still fresh in their minds. How much time could she have left? When would the Moonchild arrive?
Sunday, December 3rd
The first of what would be many location based riddles arrives on theboanthropic Instagram account. By the picture and accompanying number, clever Pilgrims including Cristen B. deduce that a message is waiting at the site of one of Los Angeles’ many air raid sirens. A comprehensive map of all 225 of these sirens organized by number and address is found and Pilgrims Cara M. and Kevin H. make their way to Siren 091. There they find two torn scraps of magazine folded and affixed to a chain link fence by a piece of twine. Both contain messages vital to the Resistance.

We now have a date, but could it in fact be Mary’s date? The night the Moonchild would at last arrive? Thursday, December 21st: the Winter Solstice nears.
Tuesday, December 5th
As fires rage across Southern California, theboanthropic have another message to send the Pilgrims, this one from “the belly of the beast.” Rather than a siren, the number corresponds to a nearby fire station, where this curious paper, ripped and burnt, was rolled into another chain link fence.
The Pilgrims are unable to make anything out from these scribblings apart from a feeling of utter urgency and fear. Could this torn up map be directing us somewhere? Mary’s location? And those colors along the edges… they appear to match the markers used in Mary’s drawing of the Beast from the Harvest Moon. Could it be her?
Wednesday, December 6th
In the early morning, a message is obtained at Siren 127 by Pilgrim Max Z, said by theboanthropic to have been saved from “the burn pile.”

So Mary is the one writing these messages. But who is making sure they make their way into our hands? The Bobo seem as in the dark as we are.
However, thankfully, not all mysteries are meant to be long lived. While the circumstances that led to this change are still unknown, we find that we are happily still among friends.
Krysta is speaking to us through theboanthropic account as herself, rather than as a conduit for TheBoanthropic as Beverly had. Where Beverly and the spirits are now we do not know, but at least Krysta is safe.
Saturday, December 9th
A long day for the Pilgrims begins with a direct plea to Pilgrim Lia W. to scour the area around Siren 175 for Mary’s next communication.

Upon finding the note, the reason Lia was requested is made clear: this scrap has been torn from the same magazine page that was used to make the note Lia had been handed in Everett Park on the night of the Harvest Moon. The two pieces match perfectly.
In the evening, two more messages are released. First, Pilgrim Erik B ventures to Siren 039, where he discovers a note from Mary addressed directly to Pilgrim Cara M.

Finally, another direct request, this time for Julie G, brings the Pilgrim to Siren 022.

With these three messages, we are given a window into Mary’s situation, and her mind. Held in a cell 5 x 4 x 4, surrounded by Society members, yet somehow someone is passing her what she needs to get these messages out. Who could it be? Eric Andrew Hoff, the Black Rose, whose cover as far as we know is still intact? Another member of the Bobo on the inside we have yet to meet? Another party entirely? The circumstances are dire, but Mary hasn’t given in to despair. We must press on by her example. The solstice nears.
Saturday, December 16th
Another message, this time with the identity of the siren slightly obscured by a math based riddle. With welcome help from the long absent Pilgrim Eva A, Pilgrim Alyssa C makes her way to Siren 165.

“Through the Moon in me I have a window to all.” Could this really mean what it sounds like?
Monday, December 18th
Krysta posts a Facebook video in which she recounts a dream she had the night before of exploring her neighborhood in Montauk that begins a train of thought leading to a disquieting realization.
“I remember seeing it for the first time, but I don’t have any memory of moving in. And I don’t have a memory of living in a house before that. And I’ve been trying to think of it over and over and over and over and I honestly can’t remember where we lived before that house. And it just really blew my mind as I started to think about other things that I can’t remember. Like when I was with Beverly a lot she would tell me stories about “Oh, when I was a little girl..” and I’ve never told anyone a story from when I was little. I don’t think I can remember any… I can’t remember things before three years ago.”
Elsewhere in the world of TheBoanthropic that day, Eubanks had begun posting a series of videos leading up to his exhibition during Nocturnal Reverse, the long delayed event that the Bobo had now chosen to hold on an already meaningful night: the upcoming Solstice. Eubanks’ videos are now focused on a single individual he has noticed recurring in his videos: a mysterious figure with obvious Society ties known only as Troy B. Later that night, I check in with Krysta to make sure she’s alright, not knowing I was intruding on a private and shocking revelation.
Troy B: Krysta’s father? Somehow this young man who figures so heavily in the smuggled Society videos from 1996 and is causing Eubanks so much distress is now living a quiet, if guarded, life in the suburbs of New York? How can it be a coincidence that a man with this background not only lives next door to Beverly, a lifelong host of TheBoanthropic, but actually owns her house? It would seem the Solstice now promises revelations of a much more personal nature.
Tuesday, December 19th
Krysta posts another Facebook video in which she describes a strange sensation she had experienced earlier in the day. As a woman in a coffee shop touched her back in order to get her attention, Krysta was suddenly consumed by an intense feeling of a maternal, caring instinct that felt like a familiar echo, something from her past she couldn’t quite put into words. She also updates her blog for the first time since July, explaining in detail her understand of the nature and history of TheBoanthropic.
Thursday, December 21st -The Solstice
Another blog update from Krysta, another story of a stranger’s inadvertent touch causing an intense familiar sensation that she can’t define.
“As her hand lifted to reach for the middle of my back her pinky grazed against my spine. Immediately I froze. My pinky on my right hand started to twitch. Then her hand lowered onto my spine. First her thumb… I clutched my boba and gasped… then her index finger… and like that some invisible tumbler in me clicked. And I ran. Pinky. Thumb and Index. Like some song I know by heart, my hand starts doing it on my wrist as I hug it close to myself. Pinky. Thumb and Index. Thumb and Pinky.
Pinky. Thumb and Index. Thumb and Pinky.
Pinky. Thumb and Index. Thumb and Pinky.
What is wrong with me?”
She admits that this has happened many times before, and that it must be connected to her missing memories. She accuses her parents of being responsible for the gaps, suspecting that there is some kind of trauma in her past that her parents are attempting to shield her from. She also touches on the shock of seeing her father in several of Eubanks’ videos as Troy B, mentioning offhand that she had actually been aware of the Society but her parents forbade her from mentioning it. She also reveals her mother’s name: Amy. This name is mentioned by Troy in the first video Eubanks edited to focus on him, saying “Amy’s little brother came up to me,” before the tape cuts off. Could Amy be the blonde Society member Troy professes his love for in another of the videos? Could Krysta’s parents truly have met in Everett Park over twenty years before the Pilgrims arrived there on the Harvest Moon?
Eubanks releases what may be his final three videos before Nocturnal Reverse begins, showing a Troy both sinking deeper into the Society and making plans to escape. Troy details his experience going through what sounds like the Rebirth ceremony that marked the end of Divulgence, echoing many of the same prayers the Pilgrims heard during their ascension to level fourteen. These videos also seem to be the first to indicate who Troy has been talking to this entire time: a man named Daniel, someone we have up until this point never heard of. Troy also mentions the Founder directly for the first time, saying that he perceives an animosity coming from the Founder directed towards Amy’s little brother and it seems as though the Society’s leader might take any opportunity that arises to harm him. As Troy puts it,
“This kid needs to get out. He needs to be saved.”
The Solstice no longer nears: it has arrived. What secrets will be revealed, what dangers will lurk, what destinies will be fulfilled I do not know. I know that Eubanks and the Bobo have seen something they believe we must be shown. I know that for whatever reason our path leads us once more to the mouth of the Devil’s Gate Dam. I know that over the past six months we Pilgrims have come together, bonded by a single goal. Our chance at last is nigh. Heed the Voices. Save the Moonchild.
If you would like to join us on the Solstice, venture here. Pilgrims Prepare.